​In addition to the 14 points of the Royal Kennel Club General Code of Ethics, all members of the Midland Collie Club undertake to abide by its additional general code of ethics as follows:
To maintain the best possible standards of health and environment for my dogs, not keeping more than I can maintain or properly care for.
To sell only puppies or adult dogs which, to the best of my knowledge, are of sound health and temperament.
To refuse to sell to dealers, pet shops, or any buyers where I have reason to believe the dog will not be properly cared for.
To refuse a stud service to any bitch that is known to be suffering from any defect which renders it unlikely to breed good, normal puppies. Nor shall I use a stud dog known to have these failings.
To accept that dogs, like people, grow old and need special care and attention. I am, therefore, prepared to love and care for a dog for all of its life whilst in my ownership.
To not knowingly allow any of my pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, or to an unregistered dog of the same breed.
To not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed, nor falsely advertise or mislead any person regarding the health or temperament of any dog.
To not knowingly undertake a merle/merle mating. Mating two merle dogs together increases the risk of their puppies having health issues and could have a serious impact on their health and welfare.
To not mate a Dam under 2 year of age at the date of mating. A dam must be under 8 years at the time of birth unless special dispensation has been granted prior to the mating.
Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.