Best in Show - Kourika Kover Girl
Reserve Best in Show - Ch Ingledene Mercury Risin JW
Best Puppy in Show - Breckamore Pitch Dark
Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Corisian Parisian Magic
Best Veteran in Show - Ch Tiganlea Tinkerbell At Redvicki
Referee: Mrs. S Wray-Ramsden
Rough Collie Dogs
Judge: Mrs. L Newman
1st - Ch Mejola I Am Peruasive JW BVD
2nd - Nikal It's Gud To Be Black VW
3rd - Aniesh Touch of Black
1st - Kourika You'll Do For Me RBPD
2nd - Ileyda Toto Wolff
1st - Corisian Parisian Magic BPD/RBPIS
2nd - Ladnar Dreamchaser
3rd - Lillyway Lemon Spritzer
1st - Gataj Out Of The Woods
2nd - Alfsden He Lives In You
3rd - Monsolana Aspire to Inspire over Barrenclough (Imp Rus)
1st - Chantique Magical Mystery
2nd - Uffspring The Understudy
3rd - Monsolana Aspire to Inspire over Barrenclough (Imp Rus)
Res - Millubie Razzmataz (Imp Srb)
1st - Aqualita Wind of Change
1st - Lillway Legacy
2nd - Essanjay Against All Odds
3rd - Whatacoo The One and Only with Aniesh
1st - Tiganlea Task Master at Trenic
2nd - Camanna Chasingclouds over Mejola
3rd - Lillyway Landwind
1st - Brooklyn Black Diamond with Dancol
1st - Kourika King Pin
2nd - Mejola Dangerous Liaison
3rd - Hanvale Arthur Shelby with Damos
Res - Chelborn Story Teller
VHC - Samhaven Name That Tune at Breckamore
OPEN DOG (8,0)
1st - Ch Ingledene Mercury Risin JW DCC/RBIS
2nd - Brooklynson El Dorado RDCC
3rd - Camanna Codename
Res - Karafaye Scotch Blend at Thistlewing
VHC - Think Of Me Prince of Sunlight at Gataj (Imp Hun) JW
Rough Collie Bitches
Judge: Mrs K Hateley
1st - Telforth Sweet Dreams to Corisian JW
2nd -Barrenclough Golden Charm at Westoak
3rd - Samhaven Time is Money with Nikal
1st- Breckamore Pitch Dark BPB/BPIS
2nd- Breckamore Welsh Honey
3rd- Ladnar Izadorable
Res- Mejola Main Event
VHC- Collingvale Campari
1st -Corisian French Flirt RBPB
2nd - Colour My World Von Der Ischlerbahn at Revdvicki Araf (Imp Aus)
1st -Erjon Ebony Jewels RBCC
2nd - Gataj Good Time Girl
3rd - Demelewis Double Take
Res - Gataj One Moment In Time
1st - Millubie Rewind (Imp Serb)
2nd -Paulara Lucy In the Sky for Elshajo
3rd - Gataj Honey Bee
Res - Uffspring Unstoppable
VHC - Thistlewing Spell On You
1st - Collingvale Campari
2nd - Marilake Manhattan
3rd - Ileyda Billie Eilish
Res - Riverside Song Narayana at Uffspring
1st - Collingvale Campari
2nd -Demelewis Double Take
3rd - Riverside Song Narayana at Uffspring
Res - Phreelancer Phirst Song
1st - Uffspring Ultravox
2nd - Barrenclough Touch of Silk
1st - Jopium Loves to Sparkle with Meryctin
2nd - Arklethill Delilah at Ileyda JW
3rd - Beloreen Starlight
Res - Carristina Summer Rhapsody
VHC - Lynmack Sweet Amber
1st - Ladnar Inkspot
2nd - Call Me Dreamer In Blue for Ileyda Della Verde Scozia Jw (Imp It)
3rd - Paris Venise Du Bois Des Amazones for Corisian JW (Imp Fra)
Res - Brilyn Loves the Difference
VHC - Monsolana Madam Blues over Barrenclough ShCM (Imp Rus)
1st - Kourika Kover Girl BCC/BIS
2nd - Artzaiak Selina de Salsina (Imp Esp)
3rd - Riverside Song Xtra Sweet at Rahlissa (Imp Rom)
Res - Gataj Girl's Best Friend
VHC - Jemspark Maid in Secret
1st - Ch Jopium Love Heart JW ShCm
2nd - Gillyflower Della Buca Delle Fate (Imp Ita)
3rd - Salsina Share The Love
Res - Ch Tiganlea Tinkerbell at Revdvicki BVB
VHC - Mejola Main Attraction
Dog Critique
Judge: Mrs. L Newman
​Thank you so much to the officers and committee of Midland Collie Club for the honour and pleasure of judging males at their championship show. As always, it was a very festive looking show and a lot of work put in from the committee to make it all a success. Thank you also so much to my wonderful stewards Jake Walsh and Michelle Davis, my co-judges Kay Hateley and Sophie Wray-Ramsden and last but not least, to all the exhibitors for their entries and good sportsmanship.
Veteran Dog (3)
1st – White’s Ch Mejola I Am Persuasive - This 9 year old gentleman has such a lovely make and shape and moves as his conformation suggests, lightly and effortlessly, he has a clean well moulded head with a ‘slight but perceptible’ stop and a flat skull, nicely shaped and placed eye giving a kind expression, good ears and ear carriage, beautiful neck, correct front assembly and strong firm topline which he keeps intact whilst on the move, correct hind angulation, completely sound although starting to show his maturating years, coat of correct texture
2nd – Skinner’s Nikal It’s Gud To Be Black - 11 years old and moves with the vitality of a younger dog, his head, whilst balanced is too strong in skull for me and his eye rather round, correct head planes, well moulded foreface, rather wide set ears and I would like more neck, adequate angulation front and back, moves well from all angles keeping his topline, in excellent coat condition
3rd – Scott’s Aniesh Touch of Black
Minor Puppy Dog (3 – 1 absent)
1st – Blakie’s Kourika You’ll Do For Me - Such a happy and carefree puppy and with so much promise, I loved his eye and expression, all coming from a very well balanced head with lovely moulding and a good underjaw, very clean and free from exaggerations, he has neat ears which he uses well, well put together with lovely bone, neat feet and developing nicely in body, his proportions are good and he holds himself well, coat of correct texture, I was very tempted to award him BPD but at the moment he is moving rather erratically, although with great ‘gusto’! I will look forward to watch his development as he settles into ‘show mode’.
2nd – Iley’s Ileyda Toto Wolff - Tricolour who was more mature than the winner but a little unsure of himself today, balanced head although I would prefer a little less depth through and a flatter skull and not quite the eye of the winner, good length of neck, well angulated front and back, good depth of chest and spring of rib, profuse coat of good colour and glamorous markings, moved well around the ring when viewed sideways.
Puppy Dog (3)
1st – Brooker’s Corisian Parisian Magic - Masculine and upstanding sable with some ring presence, standing presents a very well balanced overall picture, well moulded head although slightly deep through, nicely shaped and placed eye giving a pleasing expression, I would prefer slightly lighter ears and tighter ear carriage, he has a good reach of neck and is well angulated front and back, good length of back and level topline all contributing to his smart looking appearance, moved well enough although a little loose on the move when viewed sideways, hopefully this will improve with time but a promising young puppy and very well schooled and well presented.
2nd – Howard, Newton & Patterson’s Ladnar Dreamchaser - Blue who stood fore square and with a nice outline, pleasant head with a flat skull and a good underjaw, I would prefer a better lip line, good reach of neck, a little steep in upper arm, good hind angulation, well developed in body with ample bone and well muscled, moved soundly and steadily with a firm topline, I hope his colour will get clearer as he matures.
3rd – Mellor’s Lillyway Lemon Spritzer
Junior Dog (5 – 2 absent)
1st – Lockyer’s Gataj Out Of The Woods - Immaculately presented sable who is an instant eye catcher, well balanced head and a nice eye, I would prefer a slightly better moulding of foreface and his ears are a little wide set but he uses them well, adequate neck and front angulation, well developed in body, good topline when standing and good hind angulation, moves well coming and going.
2nd – Milligan & Marley’s Alfsden He Lives In You – A good sized blue with a well balanced head, he has a soft and kind eye, good ears which he uses well, for me, his head planes could be slightly straighter and more parallel, quite well constructed and angulated and he has a wither, adequate neck, moves well enough, nicely coloured with good markings.
3rd – Boyle’s Monsolana Aspire To Inspire over Barrenclough
Special Yearling Dog (5 – 1 absent)
1st – Turner’s Chantique Magical Mystery – profusely coated sable, however, underneath is quite a well made dog, masculine well moulded head, nicely shaped and placed eyes giving a soft expression, I would prefer a little less depth in head and his ears are too wide set for me, adequate neck, well angulated front and back, well bodied and moved quite freely
2nd – Spendelow’s Uffspring The Understudy – A good sized tricolour who is quite pleasant, nicely moulded and clean head which is balanced, pleasant eye, ears a little wide, enough neck and angulation, excellent spring and depth of rib and in great coat condition, I would prefer a better topline, a little hesitant on the floor which affected his movement
3rd – Boyle’s Monsolana Aspire To Inspire over Barrenclough
Maiden Dog (2 – 1 absent)
1st – Pryor’s Aqualita Wind of Change – A good sized and masculine sable with good make and shape, head a little strong and deep in skull also accentuated by heavy ears and his eye could be darker, strong underjaw, good reach of neck, well angulated front and back, correct spring of rib and depth of chest, in good coat of correct texture, balanced although a little loose on the move and tending to crab but an attractive outline when standing
Graduate Dog (4 – 1 absent)
1st – Growcott’s Lillyway Legacy - A well made tricolour dog who is masculine and has nice body proportions, his head has a lovely moulding of foreface and he has a very nice eye but, for me, his skull is too deep and strong, good reach of neck, nicely angulated although a little short and steep in upper arm, excellent spring of rib and depth of chest and moved well enough from all angles, jet black coat of good texture
2nd – Phillips’ Essanjay Against All Odds - Upstanding tricolour of good size and with sound conformation and moved well viewed from all angles, keeping his topline firmly intact, good reach of neck and he has a wither, well angulated front and back, strong and firm in body with good spring of rib, proportionally well balanced and coat of correct texture, his head also is a little strong for me but he does not have the expression of the winner
3rd - Scott’s Whatacoo The One And Only with Aniesh
Post Graduate Dog (4 – 1 absent)
1st – Singh’s Tiganlea Task Master at Trenic - Blue merle with a nice quality look about him, his head is well moulded and he has a pleasant eye and expression, good ears although a little wide set but uses his ears well, good neck and topline, well constructed and gives a balanced outline, presented in lovely coat and condition and his blue is a nice colour, moved well and freely although rather proud of his tail
2nd – White’s Camanna Chasingclouds over Mejola - Also a blue merle and looking at this dog standing I thought he was going to win the class as his posture is quite commanding and he is very well balanced overall standing four square, elegant yet has substance, pleasant head and good underjaw although I preferred the expression of the winner, he is well angulated and has a sound body, moves well coming and going but I was a little disappointed with his side gait and he also was a little proud of his tail
3rd – Gautrey’s Lillyway Landwind
Mid Limit Dog (1)
1st – Jones’ Broolynson Black Diamond with Dancol - Tricolour in gleaming coat and beautiful condition and so well presented, clean head although could be a little better balanced and flatter in skull, nicely shaped and placed eye giving a pleasant expression, ears a little wide set, good neck, a little steep in upper arm otherwise well angulated, a little close behind but moved freely and effortlessly, jet black in colour and coat of correct texture
Limit Dog (6)
1st – Blakie’s Kourika King Pin - I liked this boy, an attractive blue in excellent condition, clean and well moulded head and a nice expression, very alert and with neat ears and good ear carriage, I would prefer a little less depth through in head, good neck and topline, very well bodied and well angulated front and back which showed in his free and easy movement, perfectly balanced and effortless
2nd – Annable’s Mejola Dangerous Liaison - This blue merle was out of coat but scored for his soundness and movement, so light on his feet and a superb topline on the move, a very clean head and nicely shaped and placed eye giving him a kind expression, ears a little wide, good neck, he has a wither and a firm topline, soundly constructed all over which showed in his free flowing movement which won him the placing, I would prefer his colour to be clearer
3rd – Fuller’s Hanvale Arthur Shelby with Damos
Open Dog (8 – 2 absent)
1st – Geddes’ Ch Ingledene Mercury Risin – I love in particular two things about this dog – first, he has the cleanest head, there is no trace of coarseness or depth and, for me, he has a correct stop, his eye is very nicely shaped and obliquely placed and combined with his neat ears (when he uses them) gives a most kind Collie expression, his conformation is lovely with flowing lines and correct angulation which is what enables him to move with power and purpose, yet light footed, reaching out in front and extending at the rear – this being second thing I love about him, overall he is an elegant and stylish dog, completely free of any cloddiness, his colour is clear and nicely marbled with black as the standard suggests, I was very happy to award him the CC
2nd – Benton & Smith’s Brooklynson El Dorado – Masculine and handsome sable overall presenting a very balanced outline, nicely moulded head and a kind eye and good ears, adequate neck and good topline, well angulated front and back and excellent spring of rib and depth of chest, he has plenty of substance, moved freely and soundly from all angles with good reach and drive, in good coat and shown to his advantage, res CC
3rd – Hassock’s Camanna Codename